I had lived, more to the point - survived, on Terinaz Core for quite awhile. I had dug Gypsanime from the ground morning to night, driven wealthy Placktos around, even tended bar in the azure light district. But when I met Contanique, I knew it was going to take more than surviving, and I would find a way. She seemed to really be interested in me. I would find a way. There was the little matter of that "pet" of hers, Gonta. He was a Crue-sunian and they were known to swallow humans whole. Well, in a couple of bites, anyway. Ha! But then I found out he liked popcorn. Popcorn with lots of butter. Hard to get but I had a connection. Gonta and I became buddies, and I was in.
Post By G.A.M. cc Shots Of Silver™
Sci Fi Woman With Guardian Kathy Gold